Category: Market News

All About The Eagles and Everything Lovely

All About The Eagles and Everything Lovely

With an Eagles Super Bowl just a few days away, this Saturday is your chance to sack some touchdown finds at the market. Between a tray full of kiffles, an uber-fresh spinach dip, carrots for dippin’, apples and Oreo peanut butter, a loaf of sourdough, cheese and honey, kombucha for the masses, new chocolate habanero...

Lettuce Turnip The Beet!

Lettuce Turnip The Beet!

With all of the above available and especially seasonal this time of year, our farmers are here to turn Northampton St. into a produce parade! Thanks to our farmers Salvaterra’s Gardens, Cabbage Throw Farms, Scholl Orchards, and Aqua Sprout LLC, there is a fantastic variety of fresh produce available week after week. Bring those reusable...

Let’s Get It Cake-Poppin’!

Let’s Get It Cake-Poppin’!

Excuse the cheesy one-liners, but it’s not like we’re wrong! Mia and Maddie’s has been satisfying the sweet tooth in us all every Saturday morning with their freshly-baked treats that make us want to skip down Northampton Street like it’s the yellow brick road. Not sure about you, but it sure feels nice seeing the...

Time to toast the New Year—and the bread too!

Time to toast the New Year—and the bread too!

Happy New Year, everyone!  Let’s celebration with our Mini Farmers’ Market Pop-Up #2 We’re hosting one more pop-up mini farmers’ market before we kick-off the Winter Market on January 11th!  Come see the Air Products Plaza, behind the Easton Public Market, with BIG (mini) farmers’ market action this Saturday (1/4) from 10-Noon. Who will be...

Ricotta Ravioli, Rutabaga & Rockin’ Out!

Ricotta Ravioli, Rutabaga & Rockin’ Out!

With convenience being the name of the consumer game, it takes commitment to continue to support your local farmers and makers, especially in the colder months. The reality is, these times are absolutely crucial for our small farmers, bakers, and makers as they plan for next year. We might be biased, but we think we...

Goats, Garlic Gifts & Gardener’s Soap

Goats, Garlic Gifts & Gardener’s Soap

Santa and the Goats (from The Bubbly Goat) are joining us again from 10:30 -12:30 on the riverfront! Back for round two, this time with Galena Brass Band roaming and playing holiday tunes to put a pep in your step! All Santa & Goat photos are free of charge and downloadable thanks to a link provided...

Santa, Sweet Potatoes & Sage

Santa, Sweet Potatoes & Sage

Season’s Greetings to all! We’re craving our Saturday routine, with a robust line-up of 42 vendors ready to jingle bell rock your stockings off. With a few dustings of snow and chilly temperatures, we’re planning to put on our long johns, grab some fresh vegetables, and tell Santa all of our holiday wishes. Embrace the winter season with our...

Turkeys, Turnips, and Tagliatelle

Turkeys, Turnips, and Tagliatelle

Sheesh, would you just look at that color ? Whoever said you have to give up bright greens, purples, and oranges in the fall must not have taken a stroll around the market – or around Cabbage Throw Farm. This is just a small sampling of the array of nutritious, delicious food you’ll see at the market...

Preserve It While We’ve Still Got It!

Preserve It While We’ve Still Got It!

In celebration of National Pickle Day yesterday, let’s turn this day into a week-long celebration of the mighty pickle. 58% of you voted on the classic Dill pickle as being your favorite pickle, with a surprising 29% loving the Bread and Butter pickle in our Instagram stories!  This is the perfect opportunity to grab the...

Fennel, Fragrant Eucalyptus & Fresh Salsa

Fennel, Fragrant Eucalyptus & Fresh Salsa

Back on the riverfront this week, with an abundance of fresh produce to keep your tables colorful and your palates intrigued. It’s the time of year when you get to pair robust, creamy squash with the zing of bitter greens like mustards and frisee. Apples are still a hot ticket item with the arrival of...