Preserve It While We’ve Still Got It!

Preserve It While We’ve Still Got It!

In celebration of National Pickle Day yesterday, let’s turn this day into a week-long celebration of the mighty pickle. 58% of you voted on the classic Dill pickle as being your favorite pickle, with a surprising 29% loving the Bread and Butter pickle in our Instagram stories!  This is the perfect opportunity to grab the coveted pickle on a stick you’ve been dreaming about from our pals at Jersey Pickle!  It feels even more relevant to munch on what stays preserved during the season of less, but by no means lacking, local crops. Let the motto be this fall: preserve it while we’ve still got it!

In addition, with Thanksgiving sneakily around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about a Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving checklist! And plan a leftover party while you’re at it, too.  Place your meat orders with Breakaway Farms, check in with The Flour Shop for your bread and dessert needs, and load up on shrooms from Primordia.