From Shakespeare and live music, to the most berrylicious line-up ever – Strawberry Day is upon us once again! Make your shopping list and and plan your strategy for tasting as many strawberry delights as possible. It’s a short season folks – enjoy every juicy moment! And be sure to wear your ‘berry best’ because prizes will be awarded for the best strawberry-adorned babies, kids, pups and adults. Post your pic on social using #EFMstrawberryday
Be sure to pay a visit to our 8, yes 8, guest vendors this week! The Nesting Box will be dishing out specialty strawberry ice cream, Spring Garden St. Herbals will have you lathered with strawberry swirl soap, and Easton Candle Co. will have a new candle on display: Summer Fresca with notes of honeydew and…you guessed it…strawberry!
For more info, check out this week’s newsletter!