Lettuce Turnip The Beet!

Lettuce Turnip The Beet!

With all of the above available and especially seasonal this time of year, our farmers are here to turn Northampton St. into a produce parade!

Thanks to our farmers Salvaterra’s Gardens, Cabbage Throw Farms, Scholl Orchards, and Aqua Sprout LLC, there is a fantastic variety of fresh produce available week after week. Bring those reusable bags to fill up with the sweetest carrots, spiciest radishes, and savory squash and get ready to see if Puxatawney Phil sees his shadow on Gobbler’s Knob this year. Whether or not we have six more weeks of winter, I think we can agree that winter squash season is far from over.

Have to tried Stehly’s kiffles yet? Or Ruby’ Hottie Hot Sauce? A bottle of Riesling from Elm Hill Vineyards is the perfect complement to a nice meal over the weekend, or some olives from Jersey Pickles as a late afternoon snack. And it’s time to start thinking about Valentine’s Day, just two short weeks away…

Check out more of this week’s Fresh Market Picks, Recipes & Vendor Line-Up in our E-Newsletter!