Month: June 2020

E-Update June 27, 2020

E-Update June 27, 2020

Summer Is Here ……And so are some of the season’s first summer veggies, fruits and specialty products – imagine blueberry sausage and blueberry kombucha – now that’s special! Our vendors are happy to offer you the beginning of summer’s bounty — and it will only get better as the season continues.  View this week’s e-update...

E-Update June 20, 2020

E-Update June 20, 2020

There is so much for your family at EFM! It’s wonderful to see kids raised to love and respect local farmers and local food, and to grow up knowing what REAL food tastes like. Make the farmers’ market a part of your child’s life. Click to see the benefits for involving your children in fresh...

E-update June 13, 2020

E-update June 13, 2020

Saturday’s forecast – ” 76 degrees, mostly sunny and beautiful.”  Come soak up the sunshine and let the peace of the river soothe your soul. Connecting with farmers, eating close to the earth and taking time to enjoy the bounty of the season can restore your mind and body. And it’s never been more important to...

E-Update June 6, 2020

E-Update June 6, 2020

The pain of this nation and our community caused by a history of systemic inequality and violence against people of color, cannot be ignored and must be addressed.    The Greater Easton Development Partnership (GEDP) and its programs, including; Easton Ambassadors, Easton Main Street Initiative, West Ward Community Initiative, Easton Compost Program, Easton Public Market,...